Músicas do Bairro

Antecâmara Artist Residency

The playlist, podcast and video below are the results of the ETC studio artist residency at Galeria Antecâmara in November 2024.

92 nationalities live together in Anjos, how does this multiculturalism influence the musical landscape of the neighbourhood ?


The playlist was composed from suggestions made by residents and users of the Anjos neighbourhood over the course of the two-week residency. Imagine any of these tunes being listened to in local shops, in trendy cafés, under joggers’ headphones, coming out of telephones on public benches, accompanying the solitude of night shifts, enlivening group outings, exchanging a souvenir on the terrace of a kebab joint, while preparing a bouquet of flowers or between two orders of organic wine.


Link to the Spotify playlist

The podcast series looks at how the multiculturalism of the Anjos neighbourhood affects its musical landscape. Each episode of this series will be an opportunity to meet a local foreign resident and understand how they have brought with them musical influences, sonorities or practices and how, in turn, their musical practice is influenced by the neighbourhood and its inhabitants. You will hear many musical influences, the ambient sound of the streets of Anjos, foreign and familiar voices, the relief of being far away or the melancholy of exile, but always the joy of listening to, making and sharing music.


Link to the podcast page on Spotify

The video reflects one of the themes of the residency, the sensitive transport provided by music and its ability to take us to other landscapes, atmospheres and climates. The video travels through 10 locations in the Anjos district, in each of which a tune shared by a resident or inhabitant of the district carries us to another place, the location where the particular tune was recorded.
10 addresses in Anjos, 10 music tracks shared, 10 recording studios in France, Taiwan, Indonesia, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Nepal, Argentina, Brazil, Cape Verde and India.


Link to the video on Vimeo (10 minutes)