Post-tsunami habitat reconstruction in Aceh
Publisher: KARTHALA – URD
Location: Indonesia
Following the devastation caused by the 2004 tsunami, hundreds of NGOs and international organizations arrived in Aceh, on the Indonesian island of Sumatra. A hundred of these organizations initiated a long-term housing reconstruction process to rehouse the 500,000 Acehnese made homeless by the tsunami. In the four years that followed, 140,300 houses were reconstructed thanks to some $7.8 billion collected by the international community and private donors. It was the first time housing reconstruction had ever been such an important part of humanitarian programs.
Written after a long field survey, this publication analyzes this vast reconstruction program and, in particular, its impact on the population and the territory of Aceh. It reviews the conditions of ownership and sustainability of the rebuilt houses, focusing on architectural typologies, construction methods and their incremental improvement.
The study also addresses urban planning, land management and economic assistance issues, looking at the transition between the emergency phase and development programs. Focus is on the post-conflict environment in which the reconstruction work took place, namely following the peace agreement signed in 2005 that ended a thirty year guerrilla war between the GAM separatists and the national government.
The book was published in 2010 by KARTHALA – Groupe URD